DARQ GPT Global Scaling Theory

DARQ GPT ~ Artilect Quant GST

Global Scaling Theory

Logarithmic scale invariance

To say that that something is scale in variant is to say that its properties do not change when we increase or decrease (scale) it, in other words, scale invariance represents universality across a given dimension.

The world we live in is constructed based on logarithmic scale invariance. This can be observed in many disciplines like in Physics [Feynman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23, 1969, Bjorken, Phys. Rev., 1969, Shnoll, Nauka, 1067, Shnoll, Physics Uspekji 41, 1998], Seismicity [Gutenberg, Princeton University Press, 1954], Biology [Chislenko, Moskow University Press, 1981, Schmidt-Nielsen, Cambridge University Press, 1984, Ahirmunsky, Nauka, 1982], Neurophysiology [Weber-Fechener Law], Mathematics and even Technology [Müller, Volgograd Institute of Technology, 1987, Müller, Volgograd-Sofia, 1989].

Proton resonances


[1] Hartmut Müller. “Global Scaling Theory“, 2008

Conductive polymers as artificial neurons

Quantum Computation in the Brain

DARQ GPT ~ Quantum Computation in the Brain. Posner molecule, Ca9(PO4)6, with S6 symmetry [Swift et al. 2018]

Two Posner molecules in a bcc arrangement [Fisher 2015]

Formation of quibits inside the brain
Courtesy of Lucy Reading-Ikkanda

Quantum Computation in the Brain

Computers as we know them today operate on the basic information unit called bit which can be represented as either 0 or 1, or in other words, as false or true. This means that in can carry only one of two values. On the other hand, quantum computers perform their operations using quantum bits or qubits. Qubit is a two-state quantum system that can exist in quantum superposition of two independent quantum states.

One of the ways to physically implement qubits is using particle’s spin. Most commonly used in quantum computations are fermions with Spin-½, they can be electrons, nuclei or the whole atoms. The important characteristic of a qubit is that it has to remain in the state of quantum coherence unaffected by the environment. So far the methods to obtain and sustain qubit have been accomplished under strict laboratory conditions, usually in extremely low temperatures and in vacuum shielded from electric and magnetic fields.

It would seem unlikely that the such conditions could exist in the human body, however, a team of scientists led by Matthew Fisher are investigating such possibility of qubits existing in human brain and involved in quantum computation there. They focused on phosphorus atoms as the only biological elements other that hydrogen that have a half-integer spin. Their finding was that although phosphorus atom by itself could not stay in quantum coherence for long, it on occasion joins clusters called Posner molecules, a form of amorphous calcium phosphate in the chemical formula of Ca9(PO4)6. These clusters encapsulate phosphorus atoms helping them preserve the coherence time.

Very interesting part of their research was the introduction of impurities in the Posner cluster such that cation f.ex. Fe2+ or Mg2+ replaces the central Ca2+ that will have significant effect on the spin state of the phosphorus.

Potential applications they propose include liquid-state NMR quantum computation and medical imaging.

Swift et al., “Posner molecules: From atomic structure to nuclear spins”, 2018

Fisher, “Quantum cognition: The possibility of
processing with nuclear spins in the brain”
, 2015

Mancardi et al., “Detection of Posner’s clusters during calcium phosphate nucleation: a molecular dynamics study” [HTML], 2017

Neuroimages technologies

Advancements in neuroimaging technologies has lead to the emergence of multimodal hybrid techniques that combine innate advantages of the modalities used in the setup.

Most notable bimodal and trimodal hybrids ARE:

More emerging modalities such as Optical Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), functional connectivity Photoacoustic Tomography (fcPAT) [Anderson et al. 2017] are candidates to e hybridized with existing systems.

Source: Parasuraman Padmanabhan, et al., “The Advents of Hybrid Imaging Modalities: A New Era in Neuroimaging Applications“, Neuroimaging, 2017

DARQ GPT, 3D Indigo

DARQ GPT ~ 3D hexagonal artistic concept
DARQ GPT plans to use the potential of Indigo system in EEG Biofeedback session designed to work with children.
DARQ GPT plans to use the potential of Indigo system in EEG Biofeedback session designed to work with children.

DARQ GPT promotes electrochemical and voltammetric methods to diagnose and treat various conditions.

Indigo Biofeedback system is a device that can read the electrical properties of the subject and compare it to the signatures registered in their rich database previously measured specimens. Then, muscles, nerves or organs can be retrained or reeducated to follow healthier electrical and chemical patterns.

In DARQ GPT’s concept, we attach electrodes to selected body regions: frontal lobe, (Fp1 and Fp2 in 10-20 system), hands, toes, diaphragm, anus and vagina in women. A frequency sweep in the selceted range (f.ex. 0.1 Hz to 20 MHz) of AC current is passed through these electrodes. Alternatively or additionally, induction coils can be placed in these regions. The whole circulatory system becomes an antenna emitting electromagnetic waves.  We measure this electromagnetic signal using frequency selective voltmeter from an induction coil which is placed on the measured region and receives the electromagnetic waves.

Niski koszt zestawu słuchawkowego smartfonu EEG z wizualizacji 3D

DARQ GPT widzi wielki potencjał w przy pomocy ten niski koszt sprzętu do pracy z dziećmi w zwiększaniu ich zdolności conitive. Na zdjęciu rozmiar niestandardowy cap z elektrody i dwóch danych EEG visualation aplikacje na smartfony [Stopczynski et al 2014]
DARQ GPT widzi wielki potencjał w przy pomocy ten niski koszt sprzętu do pracy z dziećmi w zwiększaniu ich zdolności conitive. Na zdjęciu rozm
iar niestandardowy cap z elektrody i dwóch danych EEG visualation aplikacje na smartfony [Stopczynski et al 2014]

Quantum Fundacja zakłada, że obecnych czasach smartfony i przenośne obliczeń daje więcej i więcej możliwości do korzystania z zaawansowanych narzędzi i sprzętu w codziennym życiu aplikacji. Na takich narzędzi został opracowany w Duński Uniwersytet Techniczny[1]. EEG urządzenia, który tłumaczy elektromagnetyczne aktywność mózgu w dane cyfrowe i podaje go do smartfonu lub tabletu, gdzie mogą być przechowywane i wizualizowane. Jedną z aplikacji produkuje wizualizacji 3D przy użyciu LORETA źródła lokalizacji aktywności mózgu.

[1] Stopczynski A, Stahlhut C, Petersen MK, Larsen JE, Jensen CF, Ivanova MG, Andersen TS, Hansen LK. Smartfonów jak kieszonkowy labs: wizje dla mobilnego rezonansu i neurofeedback. International Journal of Psychofizjologia 2014; 91:54-66.

Lavpris smartphone EEG headset med 3D visualisering

DARQ GPT ser stort potentiale i at anvende denne billigt udstyr til arbejde med børn i at forbedre deres conitive evner. På billedet, en brugerdefineret størrelse cap med elektroder og to af EEG data smartphone visualation apps [Stopczynski et al 2014]
DARQ GPT ser stort potentiale i at anvende denne billigt udstyr til arbejde med børn i at forbedre deres conitive evner. På billedet, en
brugerdefineret størrelse cap med elektroder og to af EEG data smartphone visualation apps [Stopczynski et al 2014]

DARQ GPT forestiller sig, at den nuværende æra af smartphones og mobile beregninger giver flere og flere muligheder for at bruge avancerede værktøjer og udstyr i daglige liv applikationer. På sådanne værktøjer er blevet udviklet i Danmarks Tekniske Universitet[1]. En EEG-enhed, der oversætter elektromagnetisk aktivitet af hjernen til digitale data og fodrer det til en smartphone eller tablet hvor det kan være gemt og visualiseret. En af apps producerer 3D visualisering af hjerneaktivitet ved hjælp af LORETA kilde lokalisering.

[1] Stopczynski A, Stahlhut Christensen, Petersen MK, Larsen JE, Jensen CF, Ivanova MG, Andersen TS, Hansen LK. Smartphones som lommeformat labs: visioner for mobile brain imaging og neurofeedback. International Journal of Psykofysiologi 2014; 91:54-66.

Low cost smartphone EEG headset with 3D visualization

Demonstration of a Smartphone Brain Scanner (Stopczynski et al 2014)
DARQ GPT sees great potential in using this low cost equipment to work with children in enhancing their conitive abilities. On the picture, a custom size cap with electrodes and two of the EEG data smartphone visualation apps [Stopczynski et al 2014]
DARQ GPT sees great potential in using this low cost equipment to work with children in enhancing their conitive abilities. On the picture,
a custom size cap with electrodes and two of the EEG data smartphone visualation apps [Stopczynski et al 2014]

DARQ GPT envisions that the current era of smartphones and mobile computations gives more and more opportunities to use sophisticated tools and equipment in daily life applications. On of such tools has been developed in Technical university of Denmark [1]. An EEG device that translates electromagnetic activity of the brain into digital data and feeds it to a smartphone or tablet where it can be stored and visualized. One of the apps produces 3D visualization of brain activity using LORETA source localization.

[1] Stopczynski A, Stahlhut C, Petersen MK, Larsen JE, Jensen CF, Ivanova MG, Andersen TS, Hansen LK. Smartphones as pocketable labs: Visions for mobile brain imaging and neurofeedback. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2014;91:54-66.

Quantum Neuroelectrochemistry Introduction

DARQ GPT ~ Synaptic Quantum Tunnelling in Brain Activity

Processes used for detection in Freeman's biosensor

 Multiple doping of graphene oxide foams and quantum dots: new switchable systems for oxygen reduction and water remediation

DARQ GPT investigates Synaptic Quantum Tunnelling in Brain Activity in regards to Quantum Brain Dynamics as well as its role in contributing to quantum coherence in Macroscopic Quantum States that need to persist in hot and wet brain environment [1].

Quantum Neuroelectrochemistry can be interpreted as means to connect intrinsic and extrinsic factors of thinking, where the intrinsic factors are the quantum systems and quantum processes at the Quantum electrochemical processes in the human organism are to be viewed independent of the morphological imaging of electrophysiology. However, morphological imaging is helpful for the observer to develop intuitive abilities for predicting the quantum systems intrinsic to the inner thinking. Through such practice, the observer is able to train his neural network and create predictors of quantum systems. The observation becomes substituted with the predition, which does not collaps the wave function and thus does not reduce quantum systems to space time continuum which is the case for the observation. This prediction technique can be thought of as the Vitrual Reality (VR) linked with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Additional support is given by techniques such at fMRI and EEG tomography which give a traditional complementary imaging in the process of morphological search.

Quantum processes at the junction of synapses recognized as electrochemistry of the processes happening between neurons, allow for a new approach to neurofeedback therapy also in terms of phenomena such as electrochemical tunneling of neurotransmitters at the synapses and Brain Blood Tunnels (BBT) between the brain and morphological system.

This new understanding of internal and external factors of thinking is a breakthrough in the neurofeedback therapy and trainings where the morphological imaging of brain activity and the prediction of the quantum systems of the mind are both two independent therapies in themselves as well as complementary and supportive techniques that enable to better understand and improve the human ability to think.

As such, this approach gives a sense of achievement and success in quantum therapy in terms of observation of the quantum electrochemical processes.

Supplementary Materials

[1] Friedrich Beck, Synaptic Quantum Tunnelling in Brain Activity , NeuroQuantology, 2008