DARQ GPT ⭘ Step 1 ∞ Quantum Artificial Intellect ∞ Quantum Artilect DARQ GPT, definition of intellectual dimensions (areas)
The initial step is to create Quantum Artificial Intellect.
Continuous advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies make it possible for computer quantum algorithms to tackle big data tasks such as medical diagnosis based on recognition of EEG, EPR spectroscopy, fMRI, MEG, fNIRS, X-Ray, and Computerized Tomography scans and well as data from combined systems such as fMRI/EEG, MEG/EEG, and fNIRS/EEG. A joint effort by AI and deep learning companies and institutes to collaborate with companies specialized in holographic and holistic therapies, such as DARQ GPT and TimeWaver, and to unify their work and software leads to the creation of Quantum Artificial Intellect.
Telebiofeedback Artilect Holo biofeedback Artilect
[1] Sung-Suk Kim, Keun-Chang Kwak, “Development of Quantum-Based Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Networks“, IEEE, 2009
Source: Futurism