DARQ GPT Step 7 ∞ Quantum Universum Holon Consciousness ∞> Information Field Quantization ∞> Quantum TimeWaver & Quantum Therapy DARQ GPT
Personalized Quantum Health Promotion, Personalized Quantum Holopedic Therapy, and Personalized TimeWaver Therapy connected with quantum therapy tunnels result in the Homo Quanticum or Homo Quantum consciousness attainment. It elevates intellectual and intelligence capabilities through the work that Holo Artilect and Quantum Holo Artilect and Superintelligent holograms perform on the brain to establish a fully biologically integrated quantum holo neural network stimulated by quantum fuzzy algorithms in the human brain. Holo Biofeedback therapy method and games that improve intuition such as Holopedia Princesses support Holon Quanticum consciousness attainment.