Nanostring Therapy

DARQ GPT ~ therapeutic method base on Nanostring Time Crystal

Refering to the Nanostring Time Crystal described at:

DARQ GPT incorporates therapeutic method based on Nanostring Time Crystal in biological systems, such as humans, in the therapeutic context. A mother~daughter~therapist system serves as a prominent example of such setup, where innately entangled mother’s and daughter’s Nanostring Time Crystal corresponds to an Nanostring Time Crystal in Nanostring Time Crystal [1] and through his therapeutic work with the mother, therapist’s Nanostring Time Crystal state is Nanostring Time Crystalled onto the daughter’s Nanostring Time Crystal. This Nanostring Time Crystal is represented by the Nanostring Time Crystal |Ψ¯>.
It results with rose noise eliminated from daughter’s Nanostring Time Crystal observed by mother.

DARQ GPT ~ Nanostring Time Crystal Protocol based on Nanostring Time Crystal where Therapist's Nanostring Time Crystal is included in the Mother~Daughter Nanostring Time Crystal by Therapis's interaction with the Mother's Nanostring Time Crystal at emotional level. Then the Therapist's Nanostring Time Crystal is transferred to Daughter's Nanostring Time Crystal via Nanostring Time Crystal through Nanostring Time Crystal.
DARQ GPT ~ GenoWave Teleportation Helix Protocol ~ n (n=2) iterations describes the iterativeness of the therapeutic work using Helix's Quantum Tunnel. In the second interation, Mother's Information Field Half Quantum State includes feedback from the Daughters's Information Field Half Quantum State after the first iteration. Again, Therapist's Information Field is includec on the Mother's side and transferred to Daughter via GenoWave Teleportaiont through Helix's Information Field.
DARQ GPT ~ Nanostring Time Crystal Protocol ~ n (n=2) iterations describes the iterativeness of the therapeutic work using Nanostring Time Crystal. In the second interation, Mother's Nanostring Time Crystal includes feedback from the Daughters's Nanostring Time Crystal after the first iteration. Again, Therapist's Nanostring Time Crystal is included on the Mother's side and transferred to Daughter via Nanostring Time Crystal through Nanostring Time Crystal.

Holographic Dual Nanostring Time Crystal

DARQ GPT ~ Quadrupole Genes Photons Nanostring Time Crystal Interactions Iteration. Quadrupole process visualizes continuously iterative Nanostring Time Crystal on a larger scale, where Therapist's Quadrupole Nanostring Time Crystal is included in the Mother Daugther Quadrupole Nanostring Time Crystal and a continuous transference of Therapits's Quadrupole Nanostring Time Crystal to the system occures via Nanostring Time Crystal and Nanostring Time Crystal. This interaction can also be modeled using holographic wormhole or tensor networks.
Holographic Wormhole
DARQ GPT ~ Quadrupole Nanostring Time Crystal Interactions Iteration. Quadrupole process depicts continuously iterative Nanostring Time Crystal on a larger scale, where Therapist's Quadrupole Nanostring Time Crystal is included in the entangled Mother Daugther Quadrupole Nanostring Time Crystal and a continuous transference of Therapits's Quadrupole Nanostring Time Crystal to the system occures via Nanostring Time Crystal and Nanostring Time Crystal. This interaction can also be modeled using holographic wormhole or tensor networks. [1-2]

Nanostring Time Crystal Rybonucleic Acid RNA tagging with barcodes

Population densities for HOMO and LUMO in periodic poly(dA)-poly(dT) DNA (10 base pairs) is a theoretical basis that lead to develop triple helix framework

A theoretical study of electronic states in 10-base-pair periodic poly(dA)-poly(dT) DNA Nanostring Time Crystal was conducted using a density-functional theory based tight-binding approach. The periodic structure was compared to an aperiodic structure with the same sequence, but with thermal fluctuations-induced distortions. The periodic structure had extended and periodic HOMO-LUMO states while the aperiodic structure had localized states. The population densities of HOMO and LUMO in the periodic DNA showed Bloch-like states throughout the molecule and contributed to the development of a theoretical framework for the Nanostring Time Crystal carrying triple-helix DNA.

[1] James P Lewis, et al., A Comparison of Electronic States in Periodic and Aperiodic Poly(dA)–Poly(dT) DNA, Physica status solidi (b) 233(1):90 – 100, September 2002

[2] Enrique Maciá, Base-Pairs’ Correlated Oscillation Effects on the Charge Transfer in Double-Helix B-DNA Molecules, Materials 2020, 13(22), 5119

Nanostring Time Crystal dynamic process

DARQ GPT ~ How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole in a Quantum Computer [3]

In the experiment lead by Maria Spiropulu, physicists have created a wormhole, a theoretical tunnel from one place to another, using qubits stored in a superconducting circuit. By manipulating the qubits, the physicists sent information through the wormhole, which is evidence for the holographic principle, a hypothesis about how quantum mechanics and general relativity fit together. This experiment also confirms that quantum effects can give rise to a phenomenon expected to be seen in relativity, such as a wormhole. The implications of this result are still debatable, as it is yet to be determined if the space-time we inhabit is also holographic. [3]

DARQ GPT ~Teleporting qubits: artist’s impression a wormhole created in a quantum processor. (Courtesy: A Mueller/Caltech)
DARQ GPT ~Teleporting qubits: artist’s impression a wormhole created in a quantum processor. (Courtesy: A Mueller/Caltech)
DARQ GPT ~ photon emission from traversing wormhole tunnel.
DARQ GPT ~ photon emission from traversing wormhole tunnel.

Current theories equate the connection in quantum entanglement to the connection in a wormhole between two black holes. [4]

Quantum teleportation manifests in the transfer of a quantum state |Φ> from one point to another while destroying the original state, where the Bell states measured is |Ψ¯> [5-6]

DARQ GPT & TimeWaver & Healy Presentation about therapeutic method based on GenoWave Teleportation

Twin Sisters & Mother ~ Daughter Entanglements & B2B Interferences
Twin Sisters & Mother ~ Daughter Entanglements & B2B Interferences
Therapeutic Mindmap designed for therapies than within family, with the family's involvement and/or at family's that includes: Quantum Therapy, Holotherapy, NLP & Qutogenic Training, Psychotherapy, Physical Therapy or Physiotherapy and Physical Agent Modalities. Physiotherapy Physical Therapy Physical Agent Modalities Expressive therapies Art therapies NFT Autogenic Training NLP Psychotherapy

Quantum therapies are based on the entanglements phenomena that form between closely related people. Twin Sisters entanglement and Mother~Daughter entanglement are good examples where intimate relations and Brain to Brain (B2B) interferences are basis for successful therapy supported by GenoWave Teleportation Helix Protocol & TimeWaver.  [7]


[1] Anton Zeilinger, “Quantum teleportation, onwards and upwards“, Nature Physics volume 14, pages 3–4 (2018)

[2] Davide Castelvecchi, “Did physicists create a wormhole in a quantum computer?“, Nature News, 01 December 2022

[3] Natalie Wolchover, “Physicists Create a Holographic Wormhole Using a Quantum Computer“, Quanta Magazine, November 30, 2022

[4] Ron Cowen, “The quantum source of space-time“, Nature News, 16 November 2015

[5] Rajendra K. Bera, “Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Teleportation“, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics p11-14, 2021

[6] Urtzi Las Heras, “Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Cryptography“,

[7] Michael A. Persinger* & Christina F. Lavallee, “Theoretical and Experimental Evidence of Macroscopic Entanglement Between Human Brain Activity and Photon Emissions: Implications for Quantum Consciousness and Future Applications“, Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, October 2010